Wednesday, February 20, 2013

AmePigg Big Brother Information

        It was September of last year when we, The AmePico Team, announced that we will be making our own version of a worldwide popular reality show series where people are on confinement for days while being captured 24/7 on extreme situations. The AmePico Big Brother was highly anticipated and more than a hundred people audition to be a part of the Pico Game. 

Among those hopefuls, 15 were picked for pre-elimination, and only 8 actually got in the real game itself. These people were watched by the people start fights, compete and do crazy things while inside the house. It was a fun experience for them although this experience did not last long because while the game was ongoing, Pico (The game where Big Brother is being held), announced that they will be closing the game. The season was cancelled due to the fact that the prize would not be given anways so there was no use of playing the game. Everyone was sad not only because of the cancellation of Big Brother, but also because of the Closure of Pico itself.

But now that a lot of Pico players migrated in Pigg, A second season is upcoming and is again highly anticipated. AmePigg Big Brother is the second season of the AmePico/Pigg series. It will be held in Pigg and currently, we are looking for hopefuls to be in the contest! In this blog, there is a tab where you can audition to play in the game! Visit the "AMEPIGG BIG BROTHER" tab to audition!

Schedule of game was pushed back from April to June because the server where the house is located at is currently experiencing some problems and we are still waiting until it is fixed. If not fixed until June (which hopefully will not happen), We will find another way to play the game.
For this season, there will be seperate Youtube Videos for Competition/Nomination and Daily Life of the housemates inside the hosue for further understanding of the game. More information will be posted in the AMEPIGG BIG BROTHER TAB regarding how it will all work out

We are in need of Photographers, Writers, Plotline Writing Assistants and Record men! If you're interested, please contact us via Facebook messages. DO NOT APPLY if you are applying to be a housemate. 

-DumDums, original content