Monday, March 11, 2013

"Line Play" Game Review

Ameba Pigg is a very adorable and addicting game as we all know. But sometimes, it can get annoying because it's all in Japanese and we are not able to access the game to its fullest because of that. Sometimes, it also gets repetitive and boring when it comes to updates and new challenges (whether in fishing or casino slots). Although it has its cons, we still play it because we are so far still not able to find a game that is as fun, colorful and kawaii as Ameba Pigg.

Just recently as I was scrolling to find new apps for my phone, I stumbled upon this game called "Line Play". It really intrigued and got my attention because the icon for it looked pretty neat (An avatar and some lush outdoor cartoon area similar to Pigg's). The screenshots for it looked interesting and so I tried playing it. Guess what? I am no longer productive as I have been playing this for hours. Perfect time waster!

Line Play is from a Japanese company called "Line Naver" which makes apps for smartphones (Oh, you Japan; why do you have to make such addicting kawaii games all the time?) It's concept is interestingly similar to Ameba Pigg's (Did they like, get the idea from them? who knows!) Although it still has it's differences that distinguishes it to be a different game.

Line Play describes itself to be a game to "Express yourself through your avatar while travelling with friends and chatting" just like Ameba Pigg. And as I have played it so far, this game doesn't disappoint and did a good job of  "expressing ones self through avatars". Its avatars are physically similar that of Pigg's but the whole structure of the avatars are much taller and slim (and with a little less face customization than Pigg.) There is also a great option which allows you to, instead of a girl or boy, create an animal avatar which you can equally dress up like boy and girl counterparts.

To be able to decorate and unleash your inner interior designer is also great! A lot of  high end looking and shockingly Pigg similar things (Like blocks) are available for you to tinker with. You can visit your friends' rooms and interact with their furniture (Take a bath in their house, they won't know!). You can also take a peek on their diary located somewhere in their house. This function lets you post daily photos or journal entries where anyone can comment or like (But I think there's an option of turning that function off.)

While Line Play and Ameba Pigg are both equally eye-candies and full of furniture and clothes to be your unique self, this next thing will really tell Ameba Pigg and Line Play apart. In Line Naver (as well as Ameba Pigg), there are rooms in which people can interact and go to depending on your interest, country or whatever you like (age, sexual orientation, random groups to seperate your self from the "boring rest of the world"). BUT in Play Line, these areas are not much... how do we say this... "Go-able", in a way that the areas aren't ACTUALLY AREAS your avatar can go to, but plainly a chatroom where you can interact with people who enter that certain area. Pretty boring, isn't it? But then again, Line Play has to seperate itself from the rest, right? This feature comes really handy though when you're out of the house and just want to communicate with friends and what not.

Another difference is that in  your rooms, you cannot actually communicate with people unlike in Ameba Pigg. but you can leave comments if you'd like to. But the biggest difference in my personal view is the fact that LINE PLAY is an app-only game and is not accessible in the computer world (yet, hopefully.) Ameba Pigg can be accessed in both PC and Mobile worlds, but the app is pretty disappointing and dull as of now, so the app doesn't actually count as part of the Ameba Pigg fun experience.

Overall, the app is fun and a must try especially if you are fond of playing Pigg because this will get you hooked at least for a couple of weeks. It is available on the App Store and Google Play. Send us your thoughts at our Facebook Page and visit Line Play's Website.

Original Article by DumDums (AlbertN)